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Mike  Schreiner

Mike Schreiner

Growing up on his family farm in Kansas, Mike has always had a deep interest in food and farming, sustainability, and the environment. Prior to entering politics, Mike successfully ran his own organic food business which aimed to promote sustainable practices and the importance of supporting local farmers.

Since 2009, Mike has served as the leader of the Ontario Green Party where he prioritizes housing affordability, climate action, and accessible public services such as healthcare and education. In 2018, Mike was elected as MPP for Guelph, becoming the first Green Party member to be elected to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.

In his role as MPP, Mike has made a positive difference in Guelph by working across party lines to support people and community. Mike continues to promote environmental values and practices across Guelph while also championing many other issues including affordable housing, expanding public healthcare, advocating for increased mental health services, ending legislative poverty and creating better jobs in the growing climate economy.

In his down time, Mike enjoys reading, cooking and spending time with his family and friends. As a lover of the outdoors, Mike spends his summers biking, hiking and going on canoe trips with his family.

Office of Mike Schreiner, MPP Guelph

About Office of Mike Schreiner, MPP Guelph

Can we help? Mike and his team are here to serve you! We can help with: Birth and Marriage certificates Ontario Works Family Responsibility Office (FRO) Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP) Servi