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Five easy steps to take now to winterize your vehicle

Winter is coming. Is your car up for the challenge?

It’s that time of year again when we are pulling sweaters out of the closet, tucking gardening tools into the shed, and taking our winter boots out of storage. As you get ready for winter, don’t forget one of the most important things you can do for your safety and comfort –
winterize your vehicle.

Dettmer Tire, a family own and operated business with full garage service and a speciality in all things related to tires, shares how these easy steps can make a huge difference once the snow flies.

1. Deep Cleaning

It’s time to toss that summer buildup; the stray flip-flops, the slushy cups, the juice boxes. Anything unsecured in a vehicle can become a distraction or a projectile during a car accident - which in Canada, occur 30 per cent of the time on snow-covered roads.

2. Fluid Exchange

Don’t get caught with summer windshield fluid when the temperatures dip below 0◦C. Fill up with winter-rated washer fluid and keep a spare bottle in your trunk for slushy days. Go a step further and have a service garage install winter wipers so you can enjoy maximum visibility on the roads. But don’t stop there! Change your motor oil too. Fully or blended synthetic oils flow better in low temperatures, and oil rated for winter (such as a 5W) is recommended for the season.

3. Get a Tune-Up

During the fall, make an appointment with your local service garage to have your vehicle tuned up. You don’t want to be left by the side of the road with a breakdown that could have easily been avoided. The garage will check things like your battery, defrosters, and tire thread, among other vital systems.

4. Winter Tires

At the first sign of snow, everyone rushes to get their winter tires put on, but you can get ahead of the pack by booking your snow tire appointment now with a garage like Dettmer Tire. With three experienced generations of family serving two locations and warehouses that offer tire storage, Sunday appointments, and friendly customer service, you’ll be happy knowing your car is in good hands.

5. Emergency Kit

It can take roadside service a few hours to reach you if you go off the road in a remote location or during a snowstorm when many motorists are calling for help. For those times, keep an emergency kit where you can access it (not in the trunk unless you can fold the back seats down to reach it). Stock your kit with non-perishable snacks, basic first aid equipment, blankets or sweaters, water, road reflectors, a flashlight, jumper cables, and an ice-scraper. Be sure to include de-icer or lock lubricant. If you are in freezing rain, these can keep your doors and locks from sealing shut.

Canadian winters can be harsh, but you can be fully prepared ahead of time by winterizing your vehicle now. Visit a service garage today and be safer during your winter commute.