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LETTER: Vaccines are safe and effective

Get your information from credible sources, says reader
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GuelphToday has received the following letter to the editor from Guelphite Dennis Kim on the issue of vaccinations.

The World Health Organization cites vaccine hesitancy as one of the ten threats to global health in 2019. Worldwide, there is growing concern about the increasing number of parents who are unsure about the safety of childhood vaccinations.

When people choose not to vaccinate, it can result in a resurgence of childhood diseases such as measles, that were once all but eliminated. Parents are doing what they believe is right for their children, but it may be based on misinformation.

Trust your doctor when we tell you that vaccines are safe and effective. All vaccines used in Canada are rigorously tested before they are used. Side effects are mostly minor--like a headache or muscle ache--and quickly pass. But illnesses like measles and polio can be serious and can leave behind permanent effects.

Before vaccines, many Canadian children became severely ill or died from infectious diseases such as smallpox, polio, diphtheria, measles, and pertussis. Due to vaccination, countless cases of disease and death have been prevented.

When it comes to vaccinations, always ensure your information is coming from credible sources. If you have questions, please ask a trusted source -- ask your doctor. Visit to learn more.

Dennis Kim
Guelph, Ont.