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Vegans, butchering and environment

'Let's be the change in 2018. Choose non-violence for animals, the children inheriting our planet, and Mother Earth,' says reader
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GuelphToday received the following letter to the editor on the issue of animal culture and the damage it does to the environment from Mo Markham for Kitchener-Waterloo Climate Save
Vegans commenting on the Minga butchering workshop were activists trying to get people to see how destructive animal agriculture is.

It exploits the planet and the animals. The UN says it creates more greenhouse gas emissions than all the world's transportation. It's the leading cause of deforestation, species extinction, and freshwater use.

And the oceans, which give us most of our oxygen, are in jeopardy. Chemical and sewage run-off creates dead zones in the oceans. One third of the billions of fish caught yearly are fed to “livestock” animals. Scientists say if we continue to fish at this rate, there will be no fish left in thirty years. Fish have been on Earth for hundreds of millions of years. When the fish go, the oceans die. When the oceans die, we die.

“Grass-fed” and “free-range” aren't greener. They take up more land; more trees are cut down; and they take longer to mature, so use more water and resources.

Let's be the change in 2018. Choose non-violence for animals, the children inheriting our planet, and Mother Earth.

Yes, Minga. Please do a workshop on vegan cooking.

Mo Markham
for Kitchener-Waterloo Climate Save
