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Xinyi Canada Glass prez pens open letter to residents of Guelph/Eramosa

Xinyi Canada Glass president Tommy Wong said the proposed site is ideal for the building of a proposed $450-million plant
20180324 Xinyi Glass Plant Information Session KA 10
Tommy Wong, president of Xinyi Canada, seen during an information session March 24, 2018 on the site of a proposed $450-million glass plant in Guelph-Eramosa. Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday

As concerns about the effects a proposed $450-million glass plant will have on the way of life for residents of Guelph/Eramosa Township continue, the president of Xinyi Canada Glass has penned an open letter to residents.

Xinyi Glass Canada Limited is planning to build a two-million square foot float glass plant on a tract of land on Wellington Road 32 near the intersection with Wellington Road 124.

The Guelph/Eramosa site was one of about 20 from across North America to be considered by the company.

A number of residents of the township are concerned about the effects the proposed plant will have on the local water table, traffic, pollution and a number of other concerns.

The following is an open letter from Tommy Wong, president of Xinyi Canada Glass:

To the residents of Guelph/Eramosa Township:

A few weeks ago, we submitted an application for five amendments to the Guelph/Eramosa zoning bylaw. This was the first step in the public process that is designed to inform local residents of the benefits of this project, and to hear and consider the concerns of the community. I would like to express my gratitude to the residents for their presence and comments in the meeting. There was a lot to listen and respond to, and we regret that there was not sufficient time or opportunity to address your concerns one by one. We hope that we will be able to do so at the next public meeting.

For now, I would like to take this opportunity to talk about the project and what we would like to build in the Township of Guelph/Eramosa.

When Xinyi Glass decided to build its first plant in North America, we chose to invest in Ontario, which has been home to Xinyi Glass offices in Markham for more than 20 years. It is an honour to serve Ontario with our manufacturing experience and we believe that this is an ideal place to make a major investment for the good of this country and our company.

We have been working closely with provincial and municipal officials to find a site that would accommodate our $450 million advanced manufacturing facility. This site is ideal. It is close to clusters of excellent post-secondary institutions. There is a highly-educated workforce that can support technology transfer as well as research and development and we are close to our customers in Canada to serve them.

We understand a project of this size has raised and will raise a lot of questions and we promise to answer them in the near future. We have a series of studies underway right now and when they are complete, we will share them with the Township, the Province and all residents of Guelph/Eramosa.

We understand the only way to build this plant is to meet all applicable environmental, safety and building standards in this province. And that is exactly what we pledge to do.

We are excited about the prospect of joining the community and we appreciate the efforts you have made to welcome us. Glass manufacturing is a long-term commitment. Manufacturing would be non-stop until major scheduled maintenance, which occurs every 12-15 years. We are committed not only to our role as an employer, but also as an active and involved member of this community, for the long term.

We will create 400 highly-skilled manufacturing jobs, with the majority for management and professional positions for future generations. We will work with universities and colleges on research and development projects that will advance manufacturing in Ontario and Canada. But more than that, we would love the opportunity to support local programs that improve the community and lives of local residents.

In the meantime, I would encourage you to visit our website at to learn more about the project and the opportunities that come with it. 

I am looking forward to hearing more from the community, so please keep in touch. 


Tommy Wong 
President, Xinyi Canada Glass



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