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80-year-old Listowel man faces drunk driving charges

80-year-old Listowel man faces drunk driving charges

Police spoke with a driver after he lost control of his vehicle and observed signs that the man was impaired
Picture this: $500 worth of camera equipment in your hands

Picture this: $500 worth of camera equipment in your hands

The Grand River Conservation Authority is launching a 2016 photo contest, which will continue until Oct. 28, 2016.
Spring Games medals unveiled

Spring Games medals unveiled

All about the Special Olympics Spring Games medals
Teen Etch 2016 to showcase rising stars

Teen Etch 2016 to showcase rising stars

Guelph Public Library along with publisher Vocamus Press are excited to launch ETCH 2016 at the Guelph Public Library’s Main Library
The Art of Living: Happy Mothers Day to your inner mama

The Art of Living: Happy Mothers Day to your inner mama

A gift for women and those who love them
Walking crusade for mental health awareness (6 photos)

Walking crusade for mental health awareness (6 photos)

London man walking from St. Catharines to Timmins
Boomers and Boomerangs: The Boomerang returns ­— again

Boomers and Boomerangs: The Boomerang returns ­— again

​In this week’s Boomers and Boomerangs, Nancy Revie shares simple house rules for Boomerangs
Weekend Wine: Distillerie Rheault

Weekend Wine: Distillerie Rheault

This week Vin visits a small distillerie in Hearst, Ontario.
Coolsaet, Hedican, Godry to enter Gryphon Hall of Fame

Coolsaet, Hedican, Godry to enter Gryphon Hall of Fame

Doug Dodd also being inducted in coaches category along with two teams
Discussing an underreported disease: Lyme

Discussing an underreported disease: Lyme

“It didn't take long for me to realize the politics, controversy and lack of resources in this country" - Cecile Gough