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Impressionism: Unpacking a head full of ideas

Impressionism: Unpacking a head full of ideas

The Orlando of the mind
Audi clocked doing 140 km/h in an 80 zone

Audi clocked doing 140 km/h in an 80 zone

Man driving 2013 Audi was locked on radar driving well above the posted speed limit
Man pulls down pants on city bus

Man pulls down pants on city bus

Police found a small amount of crystal meth
Biking for blossoms

Biking for blossoms

Second annual Magnificent Magnolia Ride goes Saturday
Lawsuit claims city compromised public safety with building code violations

Lawsuit claims city compromised public safety with building code violations

City of Guelph's former Chief Building Official files response to city's defence in $1 million wrongful dismissal lawsuit
Community rallies around Guelph Food Bank

Community rallies around Guelph Food Bank

Spring food drive target exceeded.
Hospital Foundation transferred more than $2 million to hospital

Hospital Foundation transferred more than $2 million to hospital

Hospital was able to purchase more than $2 million in urgently needed equipment that it would not otherwise have been able to purchase
Police seize a Toyota and a Chevrolet for going way too fast

Police seize a Toyota and a Chevrolet for going way too fast

In separate incidents
Disgraced Guelph psychiatrist starts website offering information and support

Disgraced Guelph psychiatrist starts website offering information and support

Former psychiatrist who was declared professionally "incompetent" now wants to help "get your life back on track" for $9.97 a month
StoneHammer Brewing wins gold and bronze

StoneHammer Brewing wins gold and bronze

StoneHammer Pilsner won the Gold Medal in the German Pilsner category at the 2016 Ontario Brewing Awards in Toronto