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Best in Lawyers

Dietrich Law is recognized as a Community Leader through their investment in expanding local news coverage. Thanks to their participation in the Community Leaders Program we are able to enhance areas of content in Guelph that were underserved in the past. Dietrich Law proudly supports Following Up and the inspiring stories of people previously featured in the news. 

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At Dietrich Law we pride ourselves in maximizing both the medical outcomes and the financial recovery for our clients. Our Personal Injury Lawyers are constantly updating their knowledge of the changes in motor vehicle accident legislation as well as changes to the law of negligence. Our Disability Lawyers remain current with the medical and legal paradigms in the field of disability whether they involve orthopaedic, psychological, chronic pain or fibromyalgia diagnoses.

Knowledge isn't enough though, we must also devote ourselves to making sure that our client's treatment and medication needs are met, not to mention fighting for deserved and needed income replacement. Whether we dispute motor vehicle accident benefits, entitlement to Canada Pension Plan disability benefits or long term disability benefits, we always act on the understanding that our clients, unlike insurance companies, have very limited resources, bills to pay, families to look after and are often, through pain or psychological distress, isolated from society itself.

Many of our clients start out having been diagnosed with something they had never even heard of, such as fibromyalgia, or thoracic outlet syndrome. These clients need income assistance or treatment and have often been told they just require a note from their doctor to get their compensation started. Months later, with resources dwindling, after their doctors have answered the same questions for the third or fourth time, clients call us, and they find us ready to help.

Click here to read some of Dietrich Law's client's testimonials.

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george dietrich

B.A., B. Sc., LL.B., LL.M.

George graduated from the University of Windsor Law School in 1989. He also holds degrees in Science (Physics and Math) and the Arts (Political Science). He received his Masters in Law from McGill University's Institute of Air and Space Law in 2002. He has been specializing in Personal Injury Law, Disability Law and Insurance Law since 1991 and has acted exclusively for plaintiffs since 1999.  

George is a former director of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association and formerly served as chairperson of the Canada Pension Plan Review Tribunal.

George resides in Kitchener, Ontario.


B.A., LL.B.

Catharine graduated in 1994 with merit from York University with a B.A. in Political Science. She went on to complete her Law degree at University of Western Ontario, Faculty of Law, in 1997. Catharine articled at a full-service national law firm, and then completed the Bar Admission Course in London, Ontario. Following the call to the bar in 1999, Catharine practiced in London and then Waterloo-Wellington in the areas of plaintiff personal injury law and disability claims. Catharine is currently a member of the Ontario Trial Lawyers Association and the Waterloo Law Association.

alexandra victoros

B.A., LL.B., LL.M.

Alexandra graduated from McGill University in 1995 with a B.A. in Political Science. She completed her LL.B and her LL.M at the University of Kent in Canterbury, and her solicitorship training at the London College of Law. Ali had her U.K. law degree accredited to a Canadian law degree by the National Committee on Accreditation, and was called to the Bar of Ontario in 2002 after articling at a local firm. Following Ali’s call to the Bar she practiced in the areas of insurance defence and family law.

Ali was elected as a Trustee to the Board of the Waterloo Law Association in April 2011. She is also a member of the Hellenic Canadian Lawyers' Association and a member of the Nominating Committee for Womens' Legal Education and Action Fund (LEAF). Ali is a member of the Waterloo Law Society and resides in Kitchener.



Called to the bar June 14.  More Info to Come.

* George Dietrich and Catherine Simons operate under professional corporations.

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