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LETTER: Climate change letter response

'How are people struggling to put food on the table and pay for shelter supposed to pay for greener solutions for power and transportation?'

GuelphToday received the following letter to the editor in response to a previously published letter criticizing Ontario's climate-change policies.

Letter writer Elizabeth Snell has lots to say about the negative effects of climate change and the benefits of wind and solar power, but neglects to address the affordability and practicality of her solutions.

How are governments struggling to provide a myriad of basic services going to find the money to subsidize EVs and solar panel installation? How are people struggling to put food on the table and pay for shelter supposed to pay for greener solutions for power and transportation? How is our power grid supposed to handle the extra load of all these devices?

The only thing I agree with are small nuclear reactors, but who is going to pay for them?

Only countries that are financially astute and stable can contemplate and afford the massive overhaul of current systems.

As for carbon taxes and Snell's assumption that they discourage emissions, we have yet to see proof that they have accomplished anything but feed federal government coffers, which the federal government pilfers away on things with little benefit to Canadians.

When it comes to reality, I believe Ms Snell has set her sights on the wrong target.

Tina Ivany