GuelphToday received the following letter to the editor from reader Ron Zinger in response to a previous letter to the editor.
In response to Sylvia Bowman's letter concerning truck traffic on Lake Road.
I have driven several types of heavy trucks on that road. I have never used that road to avoid weigh scales. I'm not even sure where the weigh scales are that I would be avoiding. I have taken that road to avoid the stop and go traffic on the Hanlon Expressway in Guelph. Shifting a 18 speed transmission up and down at every traffic light can be a bit tiresome after awhile.
The behaviour of the trucks you have mentioned is unacceptable. I would like to know how fast these trucks are going. Can you please provide the average KPH that these trucks are going please?
Truck drivers, as a rule are not going to drive recklessly due to fact that these machines are big, and dangerous. Also, losing ones license means losing ones livelihood. Personally I drive through residential areas like I live there. I don't want anyone speeding past my house so why should I speed past anyone else's house.
Ron Zinger