GuelphToday received the following letter on why transit doesn't really work for everyone in this city.
Adam Donaldson has correctly identified that attitude is a big stumbling block towards transit that really works for everyone in a city that purports to be so 'green'.
We retired to Guelph six years ago to be closer to family and to really be a part of a community. We also appreciate and support as many efforts as we can to reduce our carbon footprint which includes using transit and cycling.
Most of our daily needs can be accessed by bike and we are on a bus route so that has played an increased part in running errands. Except if we want to go anywhere that isn't on our route. To get 'across town' north/south or east/west requires the whole morning or afternoon.
We still own vehicles and have the means to keep them but that is not the point. If transit isn't convenient then folks like us will not make the effort.
Annette Graydon