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Charity efforts by 100 Men Who Give a Damn top $250K

100 Men Who Give a Damn group has raised over $250,000 for local charities since starting in 2017
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A damn good sum of money is benefitting local charities.

The 100 Men Who Give a Damn in Guelph have surpassed the $250,000 mark since its iteration in 2017, raising a total of $277,780.60 to date.

Here’s how the concept works: members of the group pool their own resources into a collective fund, donating $100 a person per meeting.

The group meets with local charities and non-profit organizations on a quarterly basis, listening to five-minute pitches from the organizations on how the money will benefit them. After that, the men vote on where the money in the fund goes to.

Through their work, Stepping Stone got support for its safe beds initiative, and Hospice Wellington was able to buy new kitchen appliances.

“It is our hope after achieving this milestone that we can create more of an awareness in our community and promote the 100 Men Who Give a Damn to encourage new members to join our direct-action group,” the group said in a media release.

The group was inspired by the all-women group, the 100 Women Who Care.

In the last nine years, the two groups have raised a combined $675,000, benefitting 55 charities in Guelph.

And while the two operate separately, the two groups came together for a meeting last June, and were able to donate $25,000 to Community of Hearts. 

That money went towards the installation of an accessibility elevator.

Other charities who have received funding over the years include the Rainbow Day Camp, Crime Stoppers, Victim Services and Anishnabeg Outreach.


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