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The Sunday Seven: GuelphToday's top stories of the past week

Parking, speed, festival, farm and more in news this week
Julie Martin with one of her rabbits at Smokey Hollow Farm in Hillsburgh.

There's a lot of fluff at this Wellington County farm

Smokey Hollow Farm in Hillsburgh has different kinds of Angora rabbits for more than 40 years. READ FULL STORY HERE

Court hears how the death of Lucas Shortreed shattered a family

Family members of Lucas Shortreed described what a caring individual. He was he passed away Oct. 10 2008. David and Anastasia Halliburton were sentenced in the hit and run death. READ FULL STORY HERE

Council approves reduced parking requirement in Downtown Guelph

New builds in Downtown Guelph don't need to provide a parking space for each residential unit. READ FULL STORY HERE

'There's just too many:' Vulnerable community honours those its lost

Mourners gathered at Royal City Mission to share the names of people they lost. Many of the people died due to drug-related causes. READ FULL STORY HERE

Puslinch residents upset as speed limit increase approved

Lake Road in Puslinch had an approved speed increase from 50 km/h to 70 km/h. A few Lake Road residents were displeased with the increase. READ FULL STORY HERE

The Ward comes alive for first-time festival

A seemingly successful and first-of-its-kind celebration was held in the Ward with many events and workshops spread throughout the neighbourhood. READ FULL STORY HERE

New advocacy group calls for urban park on former reformatory land

Urban Park Guelph, a new advocacy group is pushing for the federal National Urban Park Program to choose the former reformatory land as one of the 15 sites to become an urban park. READ FULL STORY HERE


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