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The Sunday Seven: GuelphToday's top stories of the past week

Strong mayor powers, pups, a podcast, protected bike lanes and planning for the future of space food made headlines in Guelph this week
Mayor Cam Guthrie addresses the crowd during the annual state of the city address on Thursday morning.

Mayor to invoke strong mayor powers to limit tax hike, set up tiny homes for unhoused

Mayor Cam Guthrie made some waves during his annual State of the City address. But the decision to invoke strong mayor powers isn't popular around the council table. READ FULL STORY HERE.

Little communication, no compensation leaves bad gas customers frustrated

It's been nearly two weeks since patrons filled up their vehicles with bad gas, and not much has changed. READ FULL STORY HERE.

Council give initial approval to protected bike lanes on Wyndham

A look into the future of Downtown Guelph, as protected bike lanes look to be on the way as part of a road redesign concept. READ FULL STORY HERE.

Eviction warning notices 'given in error' at encampments

Turns out warning notices given out at St. George's Square, among other places, were done by mistake. Flyers handed out contained incorrect information, according to the city's deputy CAO. READ FULL STORY HERE.

U of G's GOOSE chamber a deep space food finalist

The Canada GOOSE self-contained plant growth chamber got a final inspection from Canadian Space Agency judges this week, as part of the Deep Space Food Challenge. READ FULL STORY HERE.

U of G is bringing agriculture research mainstream with podcast

A science communication broadcast is coming, thanks to a partnership between students and faculty with the University of Guelph and University of Florida. READ FULL STORY HERE.

Police get some four-legged stress relief with weekly dog visits

A one-year pilot project started last summer has volunteers with St. John Ambulance pay doggy visits to Guelph police Headquarters, to help bring some relief on what could be a tough day. READ FULL STORY HERE.


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