GuelphToday received the following issue of Crime Stoppers Corner for the month of November.
Human trafficking, child exploitation and cyber safety are not easy topics to talk about. Do you know what’s harder? Being a victim. This is why Crime Stoppers Guelph Wellington (CSGW) is hosting It Takes A Village at Centre Wellington District High School in Fergus on Saturday, Nov. 18 from 8:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
The name of the event comes from the collaboration of Guelph Police Service, Wellington County OPP, Victim Services Wellington and CSGW, who will hold adult and youth themed presentations following a keynote address by Charlene E. Doak-Gebauer of Child Pornography Hurts. The objective is to stop young people from falling victim, by educating them, and the adults around them on the signs of these horrific crimes.
Pre-registration is required and you can reserve your free seat by going here. Seats are limited so don’t delay. Since launching our Human Trafficking initiative in June, we have heard repeatedly that it doesn’t happen “here”. Sadly, this is false as the statistics continue to grow. It is happening here, along with other crimes against youth.
This event is designed for teens 14+, as well as adults who are parents, coaches, teachers, mentors or simply want to stop the victimization of children. We, and our partner agencies, believe that the more we talk about these crimes, the less chance there is that someone we care about will be targeted, because they will know what to look for. We also know that if people see these crimes happening, they will be more likely to report them.
Ignoring the reality of human trafficking, child pornography, child exploitation and cyber crimes is dangerous. Understanding the signs and motivation behind these crimes will help keep youth in your community safer. Mark Nov. 18 on your calendar and share this event with anyone who has an interest in protecting youth. Remember, call 1-800-222-TIPS or go to if you have information about crime in your community!
For more information on CSGW, go to