The Guelph Police Service's Traffic and School Safety Units will be conducting a dedicated Enforcement and Education campaign in Nov. 2017.
Project Corridor will target unsafe driving, cycling, and pedestrian activities on Gordon Street (from Clair Road to Waterloo Avenue) during the period of Nov. 5, to Nov. 17, 2017.
This approximately seven-kilometer stretch of roadway is the main north/south municipal corridor to the downtown area. Gordon Street has seen an increase in commercial and residential development which has resulted in a substantial increase in vehicular, cycling and pedestrian traffic.
At the same time, this roadway has seen a significant number of personal injury and property damage collisions. These include three intersections (Wellington/Gordon, Stone/Gordon, and Clair/Gordon) that frequently fall into the high collision location category when statistics are reviewed.
Year to date statistics indicate officers investigated 149 collision-related incidents between Waterloo Avenue and Clair Road, with 44 involving personal injuries. A further 111 incidents were reported to the Collision Reporting Centre.
Project Corridor will target a number of high risk behaviours including distracted driving, speeding, following too close, amber and red light runners, unsafe turns, and disobeying signs. Attention will also be given to cyclists and pedestrians who disobey traffic control signals.
Everyone has a role to play in road safety. To highlight this, safety tips and project updates will be communicated by way of the Guelph Police Traffic twitter account (@GuelphPSTraffic), media updates and the Guelph Police Service Facebook account.