TOWNSHIP OF CENTRE WELLINGTON - On Nov. 4, 2017 at approximately 1:30 a.m. a member of the Wellington County Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) stopped a driver of a 2007 Honda Fit on Highway 6 at Sixth Line, Township of Centre Wellington.
While speaking with the male driver the officer believed him to be driving while under the influence of alcohol. A roadside screening test was conducted which resulted in a fail. He was arrested and transported to a local OPP Detachment for testing.
Forty-year-old Jamie Soules of Fergus has been charged with driving with over 80 mgs of alcohol in 100mL of blood contrary to the Criminal Code of Canada.
A 90-day administrative driver's licence suspension (A.D.L.S.) and seven-day vehicle impoundment was initiated as per statute. He is scheduled to attend Guelph Court on Dec. 8, 2017.
If you suspect someone is driving while their ability to operate a motor vehicle is impaired, either by drug or alcohol, you can call police at 911 to report it.