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Robbery charge likely, all for a pack of smokes

Police are looking for a tattooed man in cut-off denim shorts wearing a rainbow cowboy hat
20160202 Guelph Police Service Sign 02 KA
Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday file photo

Police are investigating after a male suspect robbed a west-end business for a pack of cigarettes on Thursday.  

At approximately 9:41 p.m. police were called to the business in response to a male party that had just robbed the store wielding a long wooden stick, approximately six feet in length.

The male, described as; light-skinned, approximately 6'0 tall, slim build, long brown hair, wearing a rainbow cowboy hat, cut-off denim shorts, and a circular tattoo on the left side of his chest, entered the business, demanding the store clerk give him a pack of cigarettes.  

The male left the scene on foot before police arrival, with the stolen merchandise.