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Navigate the future with the benefits of funeral preplanning

Why pre-planning a funeral should be on everyone's priority list

In an era where planning is integral to our lives, one area often overlooked is funeral preplanning. Michael Labelle, Family Service Counsellor at Gilbert MacIntyre and Son Funeral Home, addresses why this form of planning should be on everyone's agenda.

"Preplanning allows individuals to take control of their final wishes, ensuring that they’re carried out with the dignity and respect they deserve," Labelle states. "It eliminates the emotional and financial burden on family members which allows them to focus on healing rather than complicated decisions and financial issues. Above all else, preplanning is about protecting the people we love.”

Funeral preplanning extends beyond basic choices such as burial or cremation. According to Labelle, a comprehensive approach allows the funeral service to align with personal beliefs and values. "It's not merely about choosing a burial plot; it's about ensuring that elements like hymns and readings reflect the individual's beliefs."

Financial considerations are an important aspect of preplanning. Labelle points out that prepayment enables individuals to lock in current funeral costs. "Funeral expenses are subject to inflation. By preplanning, we can secure today's prices, alleviating future financial strain on family members."

The emotional benefits of preplanning should not be underestimated. "The period following a death is emotionally draining. Having a plan in place can ease the decision-making burden on grieving family members," Labelle emphasizes, “ It’s one final hug to your loved ones after you’ve passed on.”

Considering this option and don’t know where to start? Gilbert MacIntyre and Son Funeral Home offers valuable workshops and educational events designed to help people “get their ducks in a row.” Labelle also advises seeking consultation with a qualified specialist. "An expert can guide you through the intricacies of funeral preplanning, ensuring that no details are overlooked."

For anyone contemplating this forward-thinking approach or wishing to register for a workshop, Michael Labelle can be reached via email at [email protected].

Gilbert MacIntyre and Son Funeral Home has two convenient locations: 252 Dublin St. N and 109 Gordon St., Guelph, ON. 

Note: This article is for informational purposes and should not replace professional legal or financial consultation. For specific advice tailored to your circumstances, consult qualified professionals.