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The ultimate guide to holiday-ready skin in a hurry: Top aesthetic treatments

ArtMed offers a number of options with minimal downtime to get you ready for holiday festivities

Winter festivities call for a glow that rivals the sparkle of the season itself.

If you're eyeing a radiant look but time's ticking faster than Santa's sleigh, fear not! We've curated the crème de la crème of aesthetic treatments to get your skin holiday ready as quickly as possible.

From Botox® to The Glass Facial, we have put together our top staff picks at ArtMed for your seasonal express pass to luminous skin.

Botox®: Smooth Sailing to Wrinkle-Free Joy

A top pick among our nurses, for more reasons than one- here’s why…

  • Peak & Duration: Hello, Instant Gratification! The full effect usually peaks within 1-2 weeks and can last around 3-4 months.
  • Downtime: Minimal, if any. You might experience slight redness or tiny bumps at the injection sites, but those vanish like magic within a few hours.
  • What to Expect: Botox works its magic by relaxing those pesky wrinkles and fine lines, leaving you with a natural, refreshed look.
  • Why It's a Holiday Hero: When time is tighter than your favourite pair of mittens, Botox swoops in as the ultimate superhero. Quick, effective, and zero downtime – it's the secret weapon to embrace the holiday cheer without worry lines.


The Glass Facial: A Symphony of Microneedles, Hyaluronic Acid, and Botox

Our aestheticians tell us the key to glowing in a hurry is a glass facial. Its name comes from the smooth glass-like appearance your skin will have for weeks after the treatment.

  • Peak & Duration: You'll start seeing the glow within a few days, with the full effect peaking in about 1-2 weeks. The results can last for several months.
  • Downtime: Expect mild redness and some tiny dots from the microneedles, but fear not, these vanish in a day or two.
  • What to Expect: Microneedling stimulates collagen, Hyaluronic Acid hydrates, and Botox tightens pores, and decreases oiliness and redness.
  • Why It's a Holiday Hero: This treatment combines three powerhouses into one. You’ll be boasting a glassy, radiant complexion in record time!


A Personalized Facial: Tailored Elegance for Your Skin

  • Peak & Duration: Ah, the glow appears right after the facial and stays for about 1-2 weeks.
  • Downtime: Minimal to none! Sometimes a bit of redness might say hello but bids adieu swiftly.
  • What to Expect: It's the facial your skin dreams of! Tailored to your skin type and concerns, it's a nourishing, revitalizing experience.
  • Why It's a Holiday Hero: In the chaos of the holiday season, a personalized facial is your soul-soothing oasis. It targets your skin's needs precisely, giving you that enviable glow when time's playing hard to get.


BBL (BroadBand Light): Lit from Within Glow

Peak & Duration: The glow-up starts showing in about 1-2 weeks and stays for months, with regular treatments.

Downtime: Minimal. You might notice some redness or mild swelling, but it bids farewell within a day or two. Pigment is lifted and may take 7-10 days to fully clear but makeup to cover is no problem.

What to Expect: It's like a light show for your skin! BBL zaps away sunspots, evens out skin tone, and leaves you with that 'lit from within' radiance.

Why It's a Holiday Hero: When time's as tight as Santa's gift sack, BBL delivers a luminous transformation. It's the ticket to that picture-perfect glow amidst the holiday hustle.


Lip Filler: Mistletoe-Ready Pout

  • Peak & Duration: You'll see the plumpness right away, and it lasts around 6-12 months.
  • Downtime: Expect some swelling and tenderness for days to a week, but it's the perfect excuse for some self-pampering time.
  • What to Expect: Pout perfection! Lip fillers enhance volume, shape, and symmetry, ensuring you're mistletoe-ready in no time.
  • Why It's a Holiday Hero: In a time crunch? Lip fillers transform your pout instantly. It's the holiday touch that elevates your look without missing a beat.


'Tis the Season for Glowing Skin

When the holiday clock is ticking faster than you can say 'ho ho ho,' these perfect treatments come to the rescue.

So, bid adieu to worry lines, welcome the glow, and step into the festivities with skin that outshines the star on the tree!

ArtMed in Guelph offers a variety of skincare solutions.  Contact them online to learn more.

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