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WeeSleep’s™ holiday tips for getting the rest you need

With the holiday season comes disruptions to the daily routine that can cause even the best little sleepers to lose focus
WeeSleep Spotlight_Dec 2021

Sleep deprivation can be dangerous. When you are sleep deprived, your ability to think clearly, recall memories, make good decisions (for example, to eat healthy food or not overspend) decreases.

Stress, irritability, anxiety and depression can increase. Many adults practice good sleep hygiene but not everyone can. When a new baby arrives home or when young children are in a development or teething stage, parents cannot avoid sleep deprivation.

Thankfully, help is at hand.

Since 2011, WeeSleep™ has been helping exhausted parents get the rest they need. Through proven programs that provide actionable steps for both parents and children, WeeSleep™ has helped 98 per cent of program participants get their child to sleep through the night in two weeks or less. WeeSleep™ training is not just for babies. It is for children from 3 months up to age 10. Programs vary by age and support level, allowing parents to choose the right level of assistance for their needs and budget.

With the holiday season comes disruptions to the daily routine that can cause even the best little sleepers to lose focus. As the sleep authority for children in the Guelph region, WeeSleep™ has these tips to help you and your family get the rest you need over the holidays.

Recognize that for parents, the entire holiday season can be stressful and tiring. Remember, you are one person with limits. It’s okay to not be okay in the moment. Just pause, breathe, and if possible, leave the stressful situation.

This could mean putting the child safely in front of a screen or in their crib for a few moments, leaving a playdate early, or just pausing the shopping trip to let your toddler cry it out in the car. Remember, you are not alone! Parents everywhere are dealing with overwhelmed schedules and overwhelmed children during the holidays.

Say no. You do not have to say yes to cross-country trips for Christmas dinner. You don’t have to host more people than you feel capable of supporting. You do not have to go to every party. You don’t need to spend more than you are comfortable on gifts. Have an honest talk with yourself about your physical, mental and financial limits and set boundaries.

Talk to yourself. As a parent you are probably doing this anyways. But instead of “where did I put my keys? Where is the baby’s bottle?” Ask yourself, “how am I doing? Do I need an adult time out? Is there something I could do right now to make the rest of my day easier (like take out that frozen lasagna for dinner)? Do I need to call a friend for a quick boost? Have I had some water and something healthy to eat today?”

WeeSleep™ training programs are based largely on consistency and routine. Wherever possible, maintain your daily routine during the holidays. If it’s nap time and you are at a family member’s home, ask about a quiet place to put the child down for a rest. If it’s snack time and you are on the go, have portable snacks in the diaper bag. Above all, if you and the children need sleep, there is no shame in crashing in the guest room or going home early from an event.

WeeSleep™ is here for exhausted parents and children in Guelph. Contact WeeSleep™ today for a free 15 minute consultation and learn how we can help you get the rest you need – and deserve.