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Santana Bellantoni

Santana Bellantoni

Santana Bellantoni is a graduate of Carleton University’s journalism program. She was born and raised in Canada’s capital, Ottawa. As a general assignment reporter for GuelphToday she is looking to discover the communities, citizens and quirks that make Guelph a vibrant city.

[email protected]

Recent Work by Santana

Downtown Planet Bean closes weekdays as customer base shrinks

Downtown Planet Bean closes weekdays as customer base shrinks

The goal is for the downtown Planet Bean to open again during the week, perhaps as a shared space
Young entrepreneurs showcase start-up businesses

Young entrepreneurs showcase start-up businesses

Through the Summer Company, 11 new businesses were started by students
Downtown's Dimar keeps dying art of cobbling in the family

Downtown's Dimar keeps dying art of cobbling in the family

Dimar Shoe Repair owner Pablo Hadarits, thinks social media has helped cobbling be in big demand
TRAILING ALONG: A photogenic look at Laura Baily Memorial Trail

TRAILING ALONG: A photogenic look at Laura Baily Memorial Trail

It's the dog days of summer for students struggling to find jobs in Guelph

It's the dog days of summer for students struggling to find jobs in Guelph

Executive director of 2nd Chance Employment Counselling says not to give up on the job hunt
Haircut? Co-working space? Bar? New downtown business La Poche offers it all

Haircut? Co-working space? Bar? New downtown business La Poche offers it all

La Poche houses Matthew's Barbershop, Saturday Seed Co., a bar and co-working space
Women recognized with Award of Merit for work with local Indigenous families

Women recognized with Award of Merit for work with local Indigenous families

Wendy Stewart, Donna Dubie and Tauni Sheldon have decades worth of experience working with child welfare
The bells will ring once again at St. George's church

The bells will ring once again at St. George's church

The sound of the clock striking at the downtown church hasn't worked since about March
Pro-Palestine encampment calls U of G's trespass deadline 'unreasonable'

Pro-Palestine encampment calls U of G's trespass deadline 'unreasonable'

People’s Plaza for Palestine held a press conference this afternoon after it received a trespass notice from the University of Guelph
A look into a model tiny home aiming to provide a solution to homelessness

A look into a model tiny home aiming to provide a solution to homelessness

The tiny home is insulated and has a ceramic heater to provide warmth in the winter
More work by Santana >