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Beyond Local

BEYOND LOCAL: Why curiosity is integral to science

BEYOND LOCAL: Why curiosity is integral to science

Scientists can make mistakes, but it’s important to keep an open mind and curious approach when conducting research
CANADA: Air Canada customer service line overwhelmed by calls after launch of new reservation system

CANADA: Air Canada customer service line overwhelmed by calls after launch of new reservation system

Many are questioning the company's decision to launch the new system after a 25 year wait so close to the busy holiday travel season
CANADA: Barriers remain for women in engineering 30 years after École Polytechnique shooting

CANADA: Barriers remain for women in engineering 30 years after École Polytechnique shooting

"Developing multi-layered and collaborative strategies with specific targets will help us avoid having the same well-intentioned but ineffective conversation for another 30 years," professor says
CANADA: New study suggests workers in the gig economy feel lonely and powerless

CANADA: New study suggests workers in the gig economy feel lonely and powerless

Are gig workers lonely and isolated? Or independent and liberated? New research suggests despite assumptions about freedom, gig workers report feeling lonely and powerless
BEYOND LOCAL: CEOs are very powerful. That's why their ethical values are so important

BEYOND LOCAL: CEOs are very powerful. That's why their ethical values are so important

Expert in organizational behaviour says that CEOs are the literal symbolic head of their organization, so they cannot afford to jeopardize their ability to fulfill the trust placed in them
BEYOND LOCAL: What could cities do to reduce CO2 emissions?

BEYOND LOCAL: What could cities do to reduce CO2 emissions?

Singapore is known as an example of forward-thinking urban transit planning; vehicle ownership permits are limited and available by lottery.
BEYOND LOCAL: The complexity behind children's lies

BEYOND LOCAL: The complexity behind children's lies

A study found that asking young children aged three to four years to look at themselves in a mirror while asking them about a potential misdeed significantly increased their truth-telling
CANADA: Why we'll never know the exact number of Halifax Explosion victims

CANADA: Why we'll never know the exact number of Halifax Explosion victims

It’s been 102 years since the Halifax Explosion levelled large parts of the city
Gravesend Bay, Brooklyn NY: Where the Halifax Explosion was loaded and primed (video)

Gravesend Bay, Brooklyn NY: Where the Halifax Explosion was loaded and primed (video)

Just before midnight on December 2, 1917, the overloaded Mont Blanc limped out of Gravesend Bay on course to join a convoy in Halifax
BEYOND LOCAL: Age-related eye problems and how to treat them

BEYOND LOCAL: Age-related eye problems and how to treat them

Cataracts are a vision problem that can affect anybody as they age. It happens when the lens of the eye gradually loses its transparency