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Market Squared by Adam A. Donaldson

Lesson of the week from council: two wrongs make a right

Lesson of the week from council: two wrongs make a right

This week's Market Squared looks at how Guelph council took the wrong lessons from the Province's Official Plans debacle
On Guelph council there are no transit heroes, only butchers

On Guelph council there are no transit heroes, only butchers

This week's Market Squared is mad because the only place council knows where to cut is the transit budget
OPINION: Looks like it's humbug for the homeless downtown this holiday

OPINION: Looks like it's humbug for the homeless downtown this holiday

This week's Market Squared reminded us of the intricacies of homelessness and that you can't legislate it away
The unbearable anger of being a Guelph Transit user

The unbearable anger of being a Guelph Transit user

This week's Market Square lays out why cutting Guelph Transit will be the least controversial move in this year's budget
Please don't be surprised by proposed budget increase

Please don't be surprised by proposed budget increase

This week's Market Squared looks at how we were always going to end up at this place with the 2024-2027 multiyear budget
Improving advisory committees means improving them for everyone

Improving advisory committees means improving them for everyone

This week's Market Squared looks at what changes should be made so that the Advisory Committees of Council work better for everyone.
Another dumb week at Queen's Park gets no where close to housing solutions

Another dumb week at Queen's Park gets no where close to housing solutions

This week's Market Squared tackle flip-flops and left-wing lunatics, and this mysterious fellow, 'Mr. Green'
The housing crisis: There's no 'i' in team, but council's still on its own

The housing crisis: There's no 'i' in team, but council's still on its own

In this week's Market Squared, we look at how this week's housing meeting of council only reinforced one thing: We're on our own
What happens when everyone is in need? Tough budget decisions loom

What happens when everyone is in need? Tough budget decisions loom

This week's Market Squared prepares you for the rough ride this November as council starts the 2024-2027 multiyear budget
OPINION: The bell tolls for the state of public participation

OPINION: The bell tolls for the state of public participation

This week's Market Squared digs into the deeper meaning around the placement of an old bell