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On The Bookshelf

On The Bookshelf: Crosses in the Sky

On The Bookshelf: Crosses in the Sky

Barb Minett reviews Mark Bourrie’s deep dive into the Jesuits’ 1600s effort to create its own nation around the Great Lakes
On The Bookshelf : Unrooted, a fascinating 'botany memoir'

On The Bookshelf: Unrooted, a fascinating 'botany memoir'

Erin Zimmerman will also be at The Bookshelf May 25 for a reading and book signing
ON THE BOOKSHELF: The Coming Wave of AI

ON THE BOOKSHELF: The Coming Wave of AI

'These are his warnings in this most urgent book ... AI cannot be stopped. We need watertight answers for how this wave is to be controlled'
On The Bookshelf: Country of the Blind

On The Bookshelf: Country of the Blind

Barb Minett reviews Andrew Leland's deep dive into the achievements and challenges of those who are blind
ON THE BOOKSHELF: Sideways: The City Google Couldn't Buy

ON THE BOOKSHELF: Sideways: The City Google Couldn't Buy

The story of Google's failed attempt to land in Toronto
Myth of Normal: Fix the inside to help fix the outside

Myth of Normal: Fix the inside to help fix the outside

Tip #1: Be kind to yourself and those around you
On The Bookshelf: Sharing a life of bird watching

On The Bookshelf: Sharing a life of bird watching

World-renowned bird expert Merilyn Simonds will be discussing her book Woman, Watching at the upcoming Eden Mills Writers' Festival
On The Bookshelf: Madhur Anand's Parasitic Oscillations

On The Bookshelf: Madhur Anand's Parasitic Oscillations

April is poetry month. Let us celebrate with the local wonder that is Madhur Anand
On The Bookshelf: This Strange Visible Air, a revealing and intimate memoir

On The Bookshelf: This Strange Visible Air, a revealing and intimate memoir

'If lucky, you will get old gradually with your body wearing out bit by bit and the soul thinning, loosening from its anchor,' writes Sharon Butala
On The Bookshelf: How to make a museum ... or art gallery

On The Bookshelf: How to make a museum ... or art gallery

Judith Nasby's The Making of a Museum details how the Art Gallery of Guelph came to be