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GuelphToday+ Public

This week in GuelphToday+: +Members help launch a scholarship program to support journalism students

This week in GuelphToday+: +Members help launch a scholarship program to support journalism students

Plus, keep it cool with a chance to win with Yeti
This week in GuelphToday+: Keep it cool with a chance to win with Yeti

This week in GuelphToday+: Keep it cool with a chance to win with Yeti

Plus, you can get your +member updates right to your phone
This week in GuelphToday+: We have a really 'cool' giveaway just in time for summer

This week in GuelphToday+: We have a really 'cool' giveaway just in time for summer

Plus, Fergus friends bond together to revive long-lost board game 'waddies'
This week in GuelphToday+: Leave the yard work to us! Enter for a chance to win a total lawn care package

This week in GuelphToday+: Leave the yard work to us! Enter for a chance to win a total lawn care package

Plus, last chance to get in on a $50 gift card giveaway from Sugo on Surrey
This week in GuelphToday+: Enter for a chance to win a total lawn care package and leave the yard work to us!

This week in GuelphToday+: Enter for a chance to win a total lawn care package and leave the yard work to us!

Plus Tony Saxon talks about how everyone seems a little edgy these days
This week in GuelphToday+: Less work, more relaxing - Enter for a chance to win a total lawn care package

This week in GuelphToday+: Less work, more relaxing - Enter for a chance to win a total lawn care package

Plus we'll be sharing our poll results on what people thought of fairy houses and painted rocks being placed in public parks, trails and wooded areas
This week in GuelphToday+: Leave the yard work to us! Enter for a chance to win a total yard care package

This week in GuelphToday+: Leave the yard work to us! Enter for a chance to win a total yard care package

Plus a full video interview of a U of G student who turned a school project into a thriving waffle business
This week in GuelphToday+: The winning continues with chances at great prizes!

This week in GuelphToday+: The winning continues with chances at great prizes!

Plus, member only deals, a chance to be published and more
This week in GuelphToday+: Bring the world to your door every month for a year!

This week in GuelphToday+: Bring the world to your door every month for a year!

Plus, if you've ever dreamed of being published for millions to see, now is your chance!
This week in GuelphToday+: Join us for a +member exclusive with HGTV's Bryan Baeumler this Friday

This week in GuelphToday+: Join us for a +member exclusive with HGTV's Bryan Baeumler this Friday

Plus more great +member giveaways!