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Drop In Centre to focus on homelessness rather than meals

HOPE House and Royal City Mission continue daytime meal programs
20200920 Welcome In Drop-In Centre RV
The Welcome In Drop-In Centre on Gordon Street. Richard Vivian/GuelphToday

Note: The start date and time of the breakfasts at HOPE House has been updated in this story from the original version.

The daytime meal program at Guelph's Drop In Centre hasn’t been running for several months now – a result of the Gordon Street building’s closure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic – and there are no immediate plans to bring it back, says executive director Gail Hoekstra.

However, the agency has been working with officials at nearby HOPE House and Royal City Mission to pick up the slack as the drop-in centre focuses its attention on addressing issues of homelessness. 

“All three of us were kind of doing similar things,” Hoekstra said of offering meals to low-income individuals in need of nutrition. “Homelessness is becoming a more pressing issue for all of us downtown.”

The three organizations have been working together to ensure those in need are fed, coordinating a new meals schedule. As of Oct. 1, Royal City Mission on Quebec Street serving up 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. meals. Starting Oct. 5, HOPE House will provide meals at 10 a.m.

The drop-in centre is providing some staff support.

“We’ve been working that way for a while anyway,” Pastor Kevin Coghill of Royal City Mission said of serving more meals.

"Of course more food is needed when you do more meals, but we’ve also seen a shift of people that were donating to the drop-in program now donating to Royal City Mission.

“It’s to-go until things change with COVID,” he added of the meals served.

Since the drop in building closed in April, nearly 90 homeless people have been placed in three motels.

Hoekstra adds the building will be used again when circumstances allow.

“Those are daily conversations, planning, ideas and working together but that will still be the ball we’re holding - how are we going to make it happen?”

In the meantime, the Drop In continues to provide meals for people elsewhere. Many of those in the shelter system previously also made use of the daytime meals programs, she added.


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Richard Vivian

About the Author: Richard Vivian

Richard Vivian is an award-winning journalist and longtime Guelph resident. He joined the GuelphToday team as assistant editor in 2020, largely covering municipal matters and general assignment duties
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