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Guelph police investigating attempted bank fraud

Tried to conduct a fraudulent transaction at a bank in the Speedvale/Stevenson area
20190614 Guelph Police Service KA
Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday file photo

Guelph police report a man tried to open a fraudulent bank account Tuesday.

Approximately 3:20 p.m., a man entered a bank in the area of Speedvale Avenue East and Stevenson Street North and attempted to conduct a fraudulent transaction.

Police were called but the man fled the bank and was seen getting into the passenger side of a vehicle that took off.

The man in the bank is described as white, in his 60s, grey hair, white beard with dark clothing. The driver is described as black, in his 30s, black hair, wearing black clothing. The vehicle that fled is described as a white Ford Escape.