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Idling vehicles make easy targets, say police

Not only is it prohibited, it's tempting to would-be thieves
20180501 Guelph Police KA 0
Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday

Many people opt to start their car early or leave it idling when the weather is extremely cold. Guelph Police would like to remind you that City of Guelph Bylaw 15945 prohibits leaving your motor vehicle idling. Do you want your vehicle to become a potential crime vehicle if it is stolen?

On Jan. 25, 2019 at approximately 7:25 a.m., a female left her vehicle running in her driveway on Davis Street and went into her residence. Within minutes, she observed another female in the driver’s seat attempting to back the car from the driveway. The unknown female exited the vehicle and fled on foot when confronted by the owner. Police checked the area but did not locate the female.

In another incident on the same date, at approximately 11:30 a.m., a male left his vehicle, a 2006 Toyota Matrix running in a parking lot downtown. Within five minutes, the vehicle was stolen.
