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Tires falling out of hatchback lead to impaired charge

Tires were bouncing down the road, forcing other drivers to avoid them
20190614 Guelph Police Service KA
Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday file photo

Guelph police report that a Guelph male who didn’t notice that tires were falling out of his motor vehicle’s hatchback Monday evening, leading to impaired driving charges.

About 7:10 p.m., a Guelph police officer on patrol spotted the male’s SUV leaving a business on Woolwich Street near Marilyn Drive with the hatchback open. As the vehicle accelerated, three full-size tires fell from the vehicle, bouncing along the road and causing other motorists to take evasive action.

Police pulled the male over on Woolwich Street near Woodlawn Road East and immediately detected a strong odour of alcohol. The male driver was unaware he had lost his cargo and could not explain why the hatchback was open.

He was arrested at the scene and subsequent breath tests revealed he had more than twice the legal limit of alcohol in his system, police say.

A 34-year-old Guelph male is charged with impaired operation, impaired operation – blood alcohol concentration, driving without insurance, driving with an insecure load and failing to surrender a driver’s license.

His license was immediately suspended for 90 days and his vehicle impounded for seven days. He will appear in a Guelph court March 12.