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Letter: Concerned about the rising cost of subsidized rent

Letter writer Lizetta Cheyne says the past five years have 'not been easy'
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I have been having some many troubles with the Wellington Housing Board. I live in a subsidized housing unit in Guelph and have been having nothing but troubles in the last five years.

I am a senior and the building used to have mostly seniors in it, all that has changed. We now have all ages and lots of crime issues also.

In the last five years I have experienced larger than normal rental increases and they have gone into my bank account at different times and taken extra dollars out without notification to me.

There have been renovations that have been started and left unfinished for months. When I called to complain, nothing was done until I went to the MPP for my area.

Since then, my phone does not work properly in my unit. This is very disturbing when you are a senior living alone.

I have lived in the building for 17 years and in the previous five years dealing with the Wellington Housing Board has not been easy. They will not listen or act on complaints from residents.

Lizetta Cheyne, Guelph