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LETTER: Most detrimental barrier is society's attitude

Individuals, schools, businesses, and all aspects of Guelph challenged to learn more about National AccessAbility Week May 28 - June 2

As a passionate advocate for others with abilities that may differ from ours, I want to educate and bring awareness to National AccessAbility Week which this year is from May 28 - June 2.

I am the proud mom to a young woman who uses a power wheelchair and daily experiences barriers in almost every aspect of society.

Unfortunately, these barriers are in every community and the most detrimental barrier is that of attitude.

As a parent as well as an educator, my goal is to bring awareness, change perspectives and make daily improvements in our society.

We advocate daily and have been doing so for several decades creating Canada's First Boundless Park (EveryKidsPark -80% accessible), having automatic doors installed in elementary and high schools, educating and providing suggestions for recreation, libraries, housing, transportation, and businesses.

National AccessAbility Week is unfortunately not known to many people in our communities.

I would like to challenge individuals, schools, businesses, and all aspects of Guelph to learn more regarding National AccessAbility Week, AODA, and strive to make a difference in our city.

Even something as simple as a smile and a friendly hello to others who are viewed as different by society is a wonderful way to begin.

Rosemary Christensen