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LETTER: Picking up garbage 'ensures that the city looks inviting to all'

'I hope that my actions convince others to clean up around them and take some responsibility to put your garbage in the many bins that they city has put out,' reader says
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GuelphToday received the following Letter to the Editor from reader Bill Summers, who hopes to see more residents picking up garbage this spring: 

With the warm weather and everyone out and about it is time to look at cleaning up the garbage on our trails, sidewalks and roadways. I realize it is not a controversial topic but it is one thing we all can do to ensure that the city looks inviting to all.

Since January I have cleaned up about 60 bags of garbage in the downtown area bounded by the rivers, down to Edinburgh, up to Eramosa and over to Norfolk / Gordon St. I have been away for a few weeks and sadly on my return I collected another 8 bags in a portion of this area. I hope that my actions convince others to clean up around them and take some responsibility to put your garbage in the many bins that they city has put out.

I pick up garbage as frankly I just cannot stand looking at it as I walk by. Sure, there are other things I could be doing but there is a certain level of satisfaction by cleaning up whatever can be seen by others. Yes, there are a lot of interesting things but alas no loose change this year.

Though I do not look for a thank you one given does go a long way in helping me persevere when the arms are getting sore and the back a little tight. The one thank you that I will never forget happened near Allan Mill. I was carrying my garbage picker and two big bags of garbage down the sidewalk when a posse of preschoolers went by with their teacher. The teacher told the kids to please give me a wide berth or something to that affect. I truly believed that she was sacred of me! One of the last boys in the rather long chain stopped and said “Thank You Sir for looking after our environment”. I was a little shocked with his speech and his delivery. I had to call out to the teacher give this one a gold star or at least an extra cookie.

Hope to see others out there doing the rather mundane but rather satisfying job of picking up garbage.

Bill Summers