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LETTER: 'The bedrooms have no business in the classrooms of our nation'

'Let’s get on with good old fashioned education and stop trying to make a Utopian society full of unicorns and rainbows,' writes reader Diane Zinger
The #1MillionMarch4Children Guelph event drew roughly 150 people in support of the event Wednesday and 1,000 protesting the event in Downtown Guelph.

GuelphToday received the following letter in response to previous commentary from another reader.

While I realize that my old fashioned views on this whole issue do not fit with the writers statements, I am tired though of being called a "hater" and of being "homophobic" or "transphobic."

Our lefties always use name calling as a last resort if they are even getting a whiff of opposition to their position. Suffice it to say that I was, and many of my peers and parents, were born and raised in a society that had more morality than we do now and don't get this stuff.

I support science and nature. Mayor Cam Guthrie has to walk a thin line, he is cognizant that he needs to "keep an even strain," he needs to comment on the situation without pissing anyone off. He could get tossed out of office quite easily.

Pierre Trudeau opened this can of worms by stating that the state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation. Conversely, the bedrooms have no business in the classrooms of our nation.

Let’s get on with good old fashioned education and stop trying to make a Utopian society full of unicorns and rainbows,where everyone “loves” one another, regardless of a need to force their particular belief system on each other.

Diane Zinger
Miller Lake