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Greenbelt open house set for tonight

Province wants input on expanding Greenbelt intended to protect farmland and watershed from urban development
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The Grand River. GuelphToday file photo

The province will hold an open house on proposed expansion to the Greater Golden Horseshoe area's Greenbelt on Tuesday night.

The open house, one of six the province is holding, takes place from 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Italian Canadian Club.

An open house in Barrie recently attracted roughly 250 people.

The Greenbelt is a designated area intended to protect and preserve two million acres of agricultural and wetland areas, from near Rice Lake to the east and the Niagara River to the west.

According to the province it dictates "where urbanization should not occur."

"It protects the environmentally sensitive land and farmland in Ontario's Golden Horseshoe area from uban development," provincial documents read.

It is intended to protect agricultural land base, ecology and hydrological features of the area.

Deadline for public input into proposed expansion of the Greenbelt is March 7. 



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Tony Saxon

About the Author: Tony Saxon

Tony Saxon has had a rich and varied 30 year career as a journalist, an award winning correspondent, columnist, reporter, feature writer and photographer.
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