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New hire and new initiatives for Bracelet Of Hope

Mobile clinics future for fighting HIV/AIDS
Ashleigh Gee (1)
Photo of Ashleigh Gee provided by Bracelet of Hope

Bracelet of Hope is proud to announce Ashleigh Gee, as new Director of Development at the Guelph based charity. Ms. Gee has more than 10 years experience in the non-profit sector. She has both lived and worked overseas and undertaken a variety of fundraising and advocacy campaigns to help the needy.

While at Canadian based International Teams, Ms. Gee worked with volunteers as well as helped fundraise for 18 different international community development programs located in Africa, Asia, South American and Canada.

Ms. Gee has first-hand experience working with people living in need. She has held a variety of human rights related positions, having lived in Cairo, Egypt, during the Arab Spring, while employed by a Women’s foundation. She also lived in Delhi, India while working on a child labour project.

Earlier in her career, Gee worked as an intern at the Manitoba Human Rights Commission. Further, with International Teams Canada, she led a number of volunteer mission trips to Romania, where the teams partnered with local leaders and volunteers helping orphans.

“While at Bracelet of Hope I am combining my strong desire to help the marginalized, with my skill at raising funds to offer practical solutions. I am very excited to blend my fundraising expertise with my passion to make a difference,” says Ms. Gee.

Ashleigh will be joining Elise Zajdlik, Community Outreach Co-ordinator, building relationships in the region and co-ordinating volunteers.

New Initiative for Bracelet of Hope in Lesotho – Mobile Clinics

Bracelet of Hope is launching a new initiative to fund mobile AIDS medical clinics. Many clinics are far from clients in this rugged, mountainous country. Bracelet of Hope is joining hands with Solidar Med, a Swiss based charity to target residents who are in need of regular HIV/AIDS related medications, and other illnesses. The organization already has mobile clinics on the ground. Bracelet of Hope will work with Solidar Med to build up their capacity by increasing the number of mobile clinics.

Bracelet of Hope is aiming to fund its first mobile clinic by the end of 2018, with more to come. Costs for vehicle, staffing, medicines and related start-up costs will be $100,000 in the first year.

Still Caring for Children

While Bracelet of Hope will reach out to those living with HIV/AIDS through mobile clinics, it will continue supporting its foster children who are located in six homes around Lesotho. The organization remains committed to ending the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Lesotho, in alignment with UNAIDS goals.

Its vision is to see Lesotho AIDS free, by supporting HIV treatment and by creating healthy sustainable communities through collaborative engagement with the people of Lesotho. The organization will also focus on prevention.

Guelph Founder’s Vision

“We are at a pivotal moment for Bracelet of Hope. The new mobile clinics will fulfil my vision for fighting HIV/AIDS in Lesotho,” says founder Dr. Anne Marie Zajdlik. She continues, “I’m very happy to have Ashleigh Gee, join our team at this critical time in our history.”



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