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Citizen tip spurs impaired driving charge for Guelph woman

In addition to charge, driver received 90-day licence suspension and vehicle impounded for a week
Guelph Police cruiser
KitchenerToday file photo

Police charged a 43-year-old Guelph woman with impaired driving on Thursday afternoon, following a call from a concerned citizen.

As explained in a Guelph Police news release, the citizen reported a potentially impaired driver near the Downtown core at about 3:02 p.m. Officers located the suspect vehicle at 3:24 p.m. as it was being parked in a residential lot near the intersection of Willow and Dawson roads.

In turn, the driver blew a fail on a roadside breath/alcohol screening device and was charged with impaired driving.

The driver’s licence was automatically suspended for 90 days and the vehicle impounded for a week.