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Fraud Friday: Protect yourself

In this weeks Fraud Friday, learn how to protect yourself from various scams
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Today’s 'Fraud Friday' is about protecting yourself from frauds and scams.

Here are 13 ways to protect yourself:

  1. Don't trust the caller ID display – internet based calling allows the user to specify the number shown on the receivers caller ID.
  2. Thoroughly research an online store or website prior to making a purchase. Often counterfeit web sites will contain spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
  3. Beware of unsolicited emails from individuals or organizations asking you for your personal or financial information. Check the embedded hyperlink in the suspicious email by hovering your mouse over the link to verify the address.
  4. Review credit card statements regularly for unauthorized charges and contact your bank or credit card provider immediately to report and request a stop payment.
  5. Never use your personal bank account to process payments from strangers.
  6. Third parties cannot negotiate the interest rate you hold with your bank.
  7. Beware of paid advertisements online. Paid banner ads are not always affiliated with the website you are viewing.
  8. Always review the terms and conditions of an offer to see the hidden fees associated to it, which can includes overpriced monthly charges that are nearly impossible to cancel.
  9. Conduct multiple types of open source internet searches to verify a lending company is legitimate. But remember fraudsters will often create websites that appear on their face legitimate or use the same name as a reputable companies.
  10. Never send funds to secure a loan.
  11. Don't provide personal information on incoming phone calls. Verify the caller and do your due diligence.
  12. A legitimate employer will never send funds (often as a third party cheque) and request a portion of it back.
  13. Be mindful of where you post your resume. Scammers use legitimate websites to seek out victims of employment scams.

If you think you have been a victim of a scam, contact your financial institution immediately and local police.  You can also report it online to the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre.
