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Guelph Police warn of COVID-19 scams

The Guelph Police Service says scams are circulating online and over the phone
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The Guelph Police Service would like to make everyone aware that unfortunately scams in relation to COVID-19 have started circulating both online and over the phone.

Please be very cautious whenever you are contacted by a stranger and be extra diligent when dealing with anyone claiming to be a part of the government, or wanting to provide financial assistance pertaining to any government aid. Any aid will come via government cheque or direct deposit if this has already been set up.
At no time will the government require your credit card number, bank account information, passwords, Social Insurance Number, or any other personal information to provide aid to those in need. Phone calls, emails and text messages requesting this information are not from a credible source and should be ignored at all cost.

You will never be required to provide money, make a wire transfer or pay in Bitcoin in advance of receiving aid.

Please consult a friend, family member, other trusted individual or the Guelph Police Service prior to accepting any help from those claiming to be handling the distribution of the government aid available at this time. 
