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Two assault charges laid after women spat on while riding bus

Incident happened in December
20160202 Guelph Police Service Sign 02 KA
Kenneth Armstrong/GuelphToday file photo

A man faces assault charges after two women were spat upon while riding a bus late last year.

Guelph police report that on Dec. 19, two women were on a Guelph Transit bus when without provocation a man on the bus spat at them, hitting one woman on the leg. 

The woman got up to confront him, but was pulled back to her seat by her friend, who called the man a name. The man responded by spitting at the friend, striking her arm which she had raised to block her face. He was kicked off the bus by the operator.

The suspect was identified, and Thursday was arrested when he appeared in a Guelph court on an unrelated matter.

A 25-year-old Guelph man is charged with two counts of assault.