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Letter: Christmas spirit alive and well in Guelph

A stranger needed help, but before Wayne could step in eight other Guelphites had it taken care of
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GuelphToday received the following letter from Guelph resident Wayne Vokey, who witnessed a touching scene Saturday night:

8 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 17, 2016

Out my window, overlooking the corner of Paisley and Imperial Roads, I saw a car had veered into a curb ide snow bank and was stuck. I was about to run for my shovel when I saw a car park directly behind the stranded car with emergency lights flashing effectively blocking the curb lane and warning drivers approaching from behind.

He went straight to his trunk, but I guess no shovel, so he went to assist by hand. A couple of people walking by came to assist. Suddenly there were six guys and a gal helping push this car out of the snow bank and they were — after four strong pushes, successful in freeing the vehicle.

There were high fives and waves, and well wishes exchanged and in a matter of three minutes all were on their way again. At this moment, another man with a dog on a leash came rushing up with a shovel on his shoulder. As the shovel was no longer needed, a quick high five and man and dog resume their walk.

I was thrilled — within three minutes, eight people (and a dog) came to the assistance of a stranger in need. If I had not had the spirit of Xmas in me yet, watching that scene did the job.

An extra special thank you and Merry Christmas to all these helpful strangers!

Wayne Vokey
