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LETTER: Milk brings us vast array of everyday products

Cost of dairy substitutes is almost double the price, reader says, noting families are struggling with grocery bills as it is
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GuelphToday received the following letter from reader Laurie Jones in response to LETTER: Dairy industry research at U of G is waste of money published on March 5. 

The idea that dairy products are harmful to the environment. Without those products, we would not have the vast amount of our everyday products.

Milk that is reasonably priced, all the cheeses we enjoy, yogurts and the other products from the beef we can have eventually to feed our families.

Meanwhile, almost all almonds that we consume are grown in California. Almonds to grow need a massive amount of water, which California has little of.

To produce almonds for a milk substitute would hurt the environment also, without being even close to producing what Canada would consume or could afford.

The cost of those substitutes is almost double the price. Families are struggling to feed themselves now.

I drink and have drank milk all my 60 plus years. My bones are healthy, my teeth are great and I can afford to drink milk everyday.

Laurie Jones