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Here's what to do if power outages are affecting traffic lights

Police remind motorists to use extra caution on the road
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WELLINGTON COUNTY - Due to ongoing weather issues, some areas of Wellington County and surrounding counties are experiencing power outages thus affecting the traffic lights. Traffic lights may be totally off or may go into a flashing mode. In some instances there may or may not be a police officer there directing traffic. 

Here is what you should do if the traffics lights are affected:

If the traffic signal is totally dark, all drivers are to stop at the intersection and treat it like a four way stop. Each motorist taking his or her turn will help traffic flow smoothly. If the signal is in flashing mode, drivers having a flashing red light are to stop and yield to other drivers before proceeding through the intersection. Drivers having a flashing yellow light are to proceed with caution.

If police or other authorized persons are directing traffic or there are portable signs in place then follow their direction.

The most important things to remember are; drive defensively and be extra careful paying close attention to what other drivers are doing at the intersection. Being patient and driving with care will help everyone get home safely.
