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Market Squared by Adam A. Donaldson

It's not a climate crisis if you play it cool

It's not a climate crisis if you play it cool

The IPCC says we've got 12 years to live on planet Earth before climate change kills us all. So Market Squared is wondering why the City of Guelph sounds so meek with its environmental expectations of the Provincial government
We've got some serious work to do on city council

We've got some serious work to do on city council

This week's Market Squared is a laundry list of potential priorities for the new council to consider. Not that they asked for the advice
Is it easier break a big problem into smaller pieces?

Is it easier break a big problem into smaller pieces?

This week, Market Squared considers if one overdose case might help us learn a broader lesson about the addiction crisis
The last opinion piece about the 2018 municipal election you'll ever read

The last opinion piece about the 2018 municipal election you'll ever read

This week, Market Squared looks ahead to the hard work of how we might increase engagement over the next four years.
Thoughts at the close of this awful election

Thoughts at the close of this awful election

This week's Market Squared, the last before the election, wags its finger at you and all your negative attitudes this election cycle
Guelph Transit is utterly flawless now and I love it: A poem, by Adam A. Donaldson

Guelph Transit is utterly flawless now and I love it: A poem, by Adam A. Donaldson

Just kidding! This week's Market Squared is what's sure to be the election transit screed you've all been waiting for
How do we hack the online voting question?

How do we hack the online voting question?

This week's Market Squared revisits the question of online voting and how we can have a rational discussion about the dangers and the possibility for success
Whose team is your candidate on?

Whose team is your candidate on?

This week on Market Squared, Adam A. Donaldson talk about slates and why we hate party politics, but also desperately want to organize by 'party' affiliation.
When Guelph politics get too toxic even for Facebook

When Guelph politics get too toxic even for Facebook

This week on Market Squared, we do at least five minutes of research to plug an example of our local Internet toxicity
A few thoughts on labour on the Labour Day long weekend

A few thoughts on labour on the Labour Day long weekend

This week's Market Squared says so long to summer, and hello to some ideas on what 'labour' means.