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Letters to the Editor

LETTER: Vaccines are safe and effective

LETTER: Vaccines are safe and effective

Get your information from credible sources, says reader
LETTER: Short-term gains at expense of library will produce long-term pain

LETTER: Short-term gains at expense of library will produce long-term pain

Library is desperately needed as an economic anchor on the north end of our downtown, says reader
LETTER: What to do with a heritage property on prime land that is falling apart?

LETTER: What to do with a heritage property on prime land that is falling apart?

Guelphite, Wayne Scobie, questions decisions made about the drill hall
LETTER: Is the playing field level?

LETTER: Is the playing field level?

Guelph resident Neal Hammond asks if there is fair competition between taxis and ride sharing services
LETTER: Better conditions needed for cyclists

LETTER: Better conditions needed for cyclists

Reader suggests Guelphites create better conditions for cyclists to connect work, home and school for the sake of our well-being and our environment
LETTER: Residents losing services to pay for new development, reader writes

LETTER: Residents losing services to pay for new development, reader writes

Guelphite worries that cost to service new development is not being considered in funding decisions by the city
LETTER: Spending money on a new library is fiscally responsible

LETTER: Spending money on a new library is fiscally responsible

Concerned Guelphite wants to see the new library go ahead in a city-owned building
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Homeless before it gets cold - again!

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Homeless before it gets cold - again!

Resident of the Ward looks to municipal leaders for real solutions to the problems of homelessness in Guelph
LETTER: Conservation authorities provide essential environmental services

LETTER: Conservation authorities provide essential environmental services

First and foremost is the work that they do in responding to the many threats associated with climate change
LETTER: The role of physical activity in helping reduce the risk of cancer

LETTER: The role of physical activity in helping reduce the risk of cancer

A letter from Elizabeth Holmes of the Canadian Cancer Society notes the role of living a healthy lifestyle in preventing cancer