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National News

Keystone XL not the same project John Kerry nixed in 2015, Canada's U.S. envoy says

Keystone XL not the same project John Kerry nixed in 2015, Canada's U.S. envoy says

WASHINGTON, D.C. — President-elect Joe Biden's new climate envoy may be the same person who nixed the Keystone XL pipeline expansion in 2015, but the project itself has evolved significantly since then, Canada's U.S. ambassador said Tuesday.
Nova Scotia imposes tough restrictions on Halifax after 37 new COVID cases reported

Nova Scotia imposes tough restrictions on Halifax after 37 new COVID cases reported

HALIFAX — Atlantic Canada's largest city will be subject to sweeping restrictions that stop just short of a full lockdown for the next two weeks as the province moves to head off a continuing surge in COVID-19 infections.
Assisted-death bill sends wrong message to Indigenous people, advocates say

Assisted-death bill sends wrong message to Indigenous people, advocates say

OTTAWA — Assisted-dying legislation sends the wrong message to Indigenous communities, advocates said Tuesday as voices opposed to the bill continued to ring out on Parliament Hill.
'These spaces are lifelines:' Nunavut lockdown leaves some with nowhere to go

'These spaces are lifelines:' Nunavut lockdown leaves some with nowhere to go

IQALUIT — Caribou stew simmers on a stove top while a staff member chops vegetables in an empty dining room, the sounds of his blade echoing off the walls as it hits the cutting board.
Youths behind climate lawsuit file appeal after Federal Court rejects case

Youths behind climate lawsuit file appeal after Federal Court rejects case

VANCOUVER — A group of 15 young people will try again to have the courts force Ottawa to develop a climate recovery plan after it was denied by Federal Court.
Quebec government says it will table expanded language law during next session

Quebec government says it will table expanded language law during next session

MONTREAL — Quebec's minister responsible for the French language said he will introduce a bill strengthening the province's language law when the legislature returns from its winter break.
Alberta Appeal Court refuses to overturn one of killer's three murder convictions

Alberta Appeal Court refuses to overturn one of killer's three murder convictions

CALGARY — The Alberta Court of Appeal has refused to throw out one of the convictions against a man who was found guilty of killing a father and his two-year-old daughter as well as a senior.
New measures expected in Alberta and pandemic weight gain: In The News for Nov. 24

New measures expected in Alberta and pandemic weight gain: In The News for Nov. 24

In The News is a roundup of stories from The Canadian Press designed to kickstart your day. Here is what's on the radar of our editors for the morning of Nov. 24 ... What we are watching in Canada ...
Alberta researcher gets award for COVID-19 mask innovation

Alberta researcher gets award for COVID-19 mask innovation

Salt that crystallizes with sharp edges is the killer ingredient in the development of a reusable mask because any COVID-19 droplets that land on it would be quickly destroyed, says a researcher who is being recognized for her innovation.
Quebec city set to kill white-tailed deer relents, will move to relocate them instead

Quebec city set to kill white-tailed deer relents, will move to relocate them instead

MONTREAL — A Quebec municipality that had planned to cull about 15 white-tailed deer in the coming days relented late Monday amid pressure on officials to relocate the animals.